Step 1: Click on the link sent to your registered email address.
Step 2: In the page that opens, click on “The Climate Link” tab on the left side of the page if you’d like to update the information regarding your research project. If you’d like to update the information about yourself, click on the “Profile” tab instead, then add/ edit different fields as needed in the page that opens and click on “Update profile” tab at the bottom of that page.
Step 3: After clicking on “The Climate Link” the new page has all the projects published on the portal. Under the “Mine” category, you will find your published project. Hover the cursor on the title of your project and click on “Edit”. If you’d like to delete your project from the portal, you can also do that here by clicking here on the “Trash” option.
Step 4: In this WordPress interface, you can edit the information against various heads. Note that “keywords” for your project, are listed under the “Tags” tab on the right side. Everything else is in the main form on the left-hand side.
Step 5: After you’ve updated your information, just click the “Publish” tab on the top right-hand side. If you’d like to temporarily make your project invisible on the portal, click on the “Switch to draft” tab, also on the top right-hand side.
Step 6: Once you’ve published, you will get a notification on the page, and you can see your page by clicking on “View GCRP – Research” prompt that comes after you’ve published your revised information.