Evaluating environmentally sustainable diets in children aged 2-12 in the UK: are vegetarian and vegan diets nutritionally adequate, sustainable and affordable? - Global Climate Research Portal Evaluating environmentally sustainable diets in children aged 2-12 in the UK: are vegetarian and vegan diets nutritionally adequate, sustainable and affordable? | Global Climate Research Portal Humane ClubMade in Humane Club

Evaluating environmentally sustainable diets in children aged 2-12 in the UK: are vegetarian and vegan diets nutritionally adequate, sustainable and affordable?

Alice Coffey
Published May 02, 2023
Last Edited May 02, 2023
Research Category
Emissions producing economic sector under study
Agriculture, land use and forestry
Geographies Covered
Global North
Country / Countries as Case Study
United Kingdom
City / Cities as Case Study
Not applicable
Name of University
University of Warwick
Department/ Name of PhD degree
Global Sustainable Development
Division/ School/ Faculty / Area within the University
Cross Faculty Studies
College Name
Not applicable
Year of start of PhD
Expected year of completion of PhD
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