Attribution science in the courts: establishing the liability of greenhouse gas emitters for the damages of climate change - Global Climate Research Portal Attribution science in the courts: establishing the liability of greenhouse gas emitters for the damages of climate change | Global Climate Research Portal Humane ClubMade in Humane Club

Attribution science in the courts: establishing the liability of greenhouse gas emitters for the damages of climate change

Rupert Stuart-Smith
Published Aug 16, 2020
Last Edited Aug 16, 2020
Research Category
Physical science of climate change ; Impacts, adaptation and vulnerabilities related to climate change ; Mitigation of Climate Change ; Other ;
Emissions producing economic sector under study
Electricity and heat production; Agriculture, land use and forestry; Transportation; Industry;
Geographies Covered
Country / Countries as Case Study
Not applicable
City / Cities as Case Study
Not applicable
Name of University
University of Oxford
Department/ Name of PhD degree
School of Geography and the Environment
Division/ School/ Faculty / Area within the University
Social Sciences
College Name
Linacre College
Year of start of PhD
Expected year of completion of PhD
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